The Inferno Series
The Inferno Series

India ink on printed media, 2019

Untitled (Miranda)
Untitled (Miranda)

Embroidery and chalk paint on raw silk noil, 2019

6097 Miles
6097 Miles

Mixed media on canvas, 2018

I'm Scared, and so are You
I'm Scared, and so are You

Mixed Media on canvas, 2018

Spilled Milk
Spilled Milk

Mixed Media on canvas, 2018

Blue Lines Piece
Blue Lines Piece

Mixed Media on canvas, 2018

Fireplace Piece
Fireplace Piece

Mixed media on canvas, 2018

Ness Interrupting the Slaying of Isaac
Ness Interrupting the Slaying of Isaac

Embroidery on canvas, 2018

The Pillow Book
The Pillow Book

Embroidery on pillow case, 2017-

Portrait of My Mother
Portrait of My Mother

Embroidery and charcoal on canvas, 2018

Milk Bath
Milk Bath

Embroidery on canvas, 2018